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Варна 12°
17:29 | 3 август 2017
Обновен: 14:53 | 29 септември 2024

„Bohemian Rhapsody“ среща „Игра на тронове“ (ВИДЕО)

Чудесната идея е паралел между песента на QUEEN и хитовия сериал

По материала работи: Деян Михайлов
„Bohemian Rhapsody“ среща „Игра на тронове“ (ВИДЕО)

Вижте клипчето „Westerosi Rhapsody“ (Вестероска рапсодия), което наскоро се появи в интернет пространството и направи истински фурор сред феновете не само на „Игра на тронове“, но и на култовата група от близкото минало. Чудесната идея е паралел между „Bohemian Rhapsody“ на „QUEEN“ и хитовия сериал от последните години – „Игра на тронове“. Музиката е аранжимент по оригинала на песента, но текстът представя по един изключително забавен начин едни от най-готините моменти от сериала. 

Ето и целият текст на песента:

Is this the real life?
Is this Grillzz' fantasy?
Caught in a project,
No escape from Maci
Open your eyes,
Look up to the comet and see,
I'm just a NOBUILD, I have no building rights,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
bugging Rangers, no no no!
Any way the warps go doesn't really matter, to me, to me...

Just killed a man,
Put a sword up to his head, chopped it off
like poor old Ned.
DutchGuard...he had just joined,
but now you've got and banned him anyway,
DutchGuardddd ooooh,
Didn't mean to argue
If I stop please don't ban me to,
Please no, Please no, it really really matters.

Too late, Tothas just joined,
Sends shivers down my spine, blocks are breaking all
the time,
Goodbye everybody, I've got to go,
Got to leave you all behind and face teqna.
DutchGuard ooooohhh,
I don't want to leave,
I sometimes wish I never had joined at all.

I see a little pizzainacup
Maewen! Marken! Will you do the

Mgliem and lightning, very very fightning
Jolmero, Jolmero,
Jolmero, Jolmero,
Jolmero, Illblewo - Maci-fico

I'm just NOBUILD, nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from PMC,
Spare him his time from this monstrosity!
Easy come, easy go, let the NOBUILD go.
Co-on-Tra! No we will not let him go
(Let him go) Co-on-tra! We will not let him go
(Let him go) Co-on-tra! We will not let him go
(Let him go) We will not let him go
(Let him go) (Never) Never let him go,
(Let him go) Never let him go (Let me go) ah
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, let him go.
Pizzinacup have you saved a project for me, for me,
for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So you think you can come here and steal all our builds?!?
Think you can come here you annoying redditors!
Oh, builders, don't worry all our builders,
Just gonna get out, just gonna get right outta here!

Nothing really matters, Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing Really matters to me...

Anyway Tywin shits gold...


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